Close-Act Theatre makes street-theatre spectacles for festivals and events. With stilts, mobile objects and beautiful costumes we create an imaginary world for you to enjoy. Le théâtre Close-Act crée des spectacles de théâtre de rue pour les festivals et les événements. Avec des échasses, des objets mobiles et de beaux costumes, nous créons un monde imaginaire dont vous pourrez profiter. Close-Act Theatre hace espectáculos de teatro callejero para festivales y eventos. Con zancos, objetos móviles y hermosos trajes, creamos un mundo imaginario para que disfrutes.

GLOBE at the imaginary world of Festival Imaginarius.
May 24 – 25 at the historic centre of Santa Maria da Feira.

GLOBE visualises the art of liberty and proves flying as supreme happiness.
The spectacle shows the childlike imagination as instrument to enable one to fly. Elders, while growing older, lose this devotion to simplicity. Instead they envy the power of children and let themselves be seduced by superiors and try to crack down the children. They form an army and plan to ban their freedom and flying.

The real world being approached from a child’s perspective
GLOBE responds to today’s world as caught in a net of financial structures and social class differences. The visual spectacular translation is inspired by current themes from world cultures and universal children’s stories. The story of GLOBE is the real world being approached from a child’s perspective. The central character accepts her unprejudiced mind as the truth. Although her imagination is being cherished and cheered but also brutally disturbed, she creates a world that transcends religion, esotericism and cultural traditions.