Close-Act Theatre makes street-theatre spectacles for festivals and events. With stilts, mobile objects and beautiful costumes we create an imaginary world for you to enjoy. Le théâtre Close-Act crée des spectacles de théâtre de rue pour les festivals et les événements. Avec des échasses, des objets mobiles et de beaux costumes, nous créons un monde imaginaire dont vous pourrez profiter. Close-Act Theatre hace espectáculos de teatro callejero para festivales y eventos. Con zancos, objetos móviles y hermosos trajes, creamos un mundo imaginario para que disfrutes.

Blue Birds

Close-Act Theatre makes street-theatre spectacles for festivals and events. With stilts, mobile objects and beautiful costumes we create an imaginary world for you to enjoy. Le théâtre Close-Act crée des spectacles de théâtre de rue pour les festivals et les événements. Avec des échasses, des objets mobiles et de beaux costumes, nous créons un monde imaginaire dont vous pourrez profiter. Close-Act Theatre hace espectáculos de teatro callejero para festivales y eventos. Con zancos, objetos móviles y hermosos trajes, creamos un mundo imaginario para que disfrutes.

Marching into the crowd

Like in a trance these sheer size BLUE BIRDS are wandering around. From high above these longnecks are watching down at you. There is no way you will miss them, when they start marching into the crowd. Their approach is friendly and prudent, but they surely are curious. Their long, long fingers are ticklish and their tall heads keep on nodding. Suddenly, they freeze to a halt, and tracking their leader calls they proceed in a stunning slow motion.


BlueBirds is a mobile act with a minimum of 3 actors. The act can be extended to a maximum of 6 BlueBirds, extra characters can be added too. (see extra).

Information regarding the Aliens

The Aliens are blue, water bird-like creatures with distinctively long necks. The actors are not on stilts but wear flippers. The height, approx. 3 metres, is attained by the long characteristic necks: a special construction connecting the bird head to the player. The actor himself is hidden inside the costume.


  • Music installations are installed in the costumes, playing sounds and mystical sound scapes.
  • Azurro (see characters), a blue character on stilts; a herder of the Aliens can be added to complete the visual excitement.
  • A fire player with hand flares can be added by night. The hand flares provide a mysterious lightning effect.
  • For special occasions 4 golden Aliens are available.

If you like more information about this Act, please contact us