“This was the best I ever saw. How are you capable of creating such a giant spectacle?”
If you see the performance Globe, you would expect a large organization behind it, with a super large working space and of course a lot of funding from the government.
This is not the case. We have just a few people at the office and the atelier, we outsource the work when necessary and we pay for it all ourselves.
Keep this last thing in mind next time you’re attending a large-scale performance like Globe or Pi-Leau.
Although our funding requests were always rejected, it has never stopped us from creating.
Most people are in disbelief to hear this and to be honest, we don’t know any other large-scale street-theatre productions that have been developed without proper funding.
It is getting better.
In 2005 a new book was being published, called “Dutch on tour”. The book was presenting Dutch artists who travel a lot and we happen to be one of the companies travelling the most, so ……
NO SORRY, ‘This is only for companies who are getting funding’.
You get nothing – they give you less! Believe it or not, a few days before the deadline we got our first and only funding (a small budget for travel cost) and we were able to get in the book!
Working with your own strengths makes you more independent.
In 2007 a company declared, “I got funding for years and now, just before the World Expo comes to my city, they wring my neck.”
Thank goodness we are independent. Nobody wrings our neck!