You can fly, If you believe!
How do we respond to today’s world: as caught in a net of financial structures and social class different. The answer: Approaching the real world from a child’s perspective. The child accepts the unprejudiced mind as the truth. Although the imagination is being cherished and cheered but also brutally disturb, and creates a world that transcends religion, esotericism and cultural traditions.
The spectacle Globe shows the childlike imagination as instrument to enables one to fly. Elders, while growing older, lose this devotion to simplicity. Instead they envy the power of children and let themselves be seduced by superiors and try to crack down the children. They form an army and plan to ban their freedom and flying.
But it is impossible to win: the children turn to the eternal child Carlson who helps them to gain the sky and become untouchable. Forever the antagonists fight itself. The scenery, a giant globe, is the energetic surrounding for aerialists, dancers, actors and musicians and projections. This stunning, visual performance won’t remain in its spectacular structure. When actors fly and float around and above the audience, Close-Act takes possession of the area.