White Wings

Enchanting phantoms stride elegantly through the streets, endowed with transparent wings they seemingly float above the audience. For a moment they settle on the sidewalk to perform a handsome dance; both beautiful and bewitching. The audience sighs with a breath of delight as they spread their wings to finish the whirling white concert with a spectacular climax. These elegant apparitions then disappear in a majestic parade while the audience stands motionless, spellbound.
More about the White wings
The White Wings are magical white figures which seem to have stepped directly out of a fairy tale. They have stunning white wings of an impressive span width.
Exquisite make-up adds the final touch to the act.
The White Wings are available in several heights; ground figures, stilts 60cm, 1m and even 1.50m.
stage act, mobile act, or parade
The act White Wings can be performed in several forms. A combination of a stage act and mobile act, or parade is possible!
Short stage act of approx. 5 minutes
This short, but impressive act is an audience favourite. Particularly suitable for a spectacular opening or finale of a festival or event!
A minimum of 3 White Wings perform a magical dance on music (live or on tape). The act is frequently completed with a singer singing a fado-like song. The singer, also dressed in white, can appear on a mobile object or even float above the audience suspended underneath a huge helium balloon.
Mobile act
A mobile act exists of at least 3 White Wings and 2 musicians. The act can be expanded to a big parade of 12 White Wings.
A big parade exists of at least 6 White Wings and 3 musicians. The act can be expanded to a maximum of 12 White Wings. Several other characters and objects can also be added (see extra’s).
- There is a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 12 White Wings.
- The mobile act and big parade are accompanied by 2 to 6 musicians. The musicians use Acoustic Drums or specially designed Electronic Drums; with these instruments they create a combination of atmospheric soundscapes, rhythmic percussion and magnetizing music.
- A White Wings ground figure has the possibility to move freely; consequently she can add an extra flavour and dynamic to the choreography.
- By night a fire player with hand flares can be added. The hand flares create a magical lighting for the spectacle
- Counterparts of the White Wings are the powerful Black Shapes. The contrast of black and white creates an exciting clash of forces.
- The stage act can be expanded with a singer singing a fado song.
- For extra effect the singer can appear on one of our mobile objects, for example on an elegant small car or the majestic white-eyed fish.
- For a more dramatic effect the singer appears as moon goddess; suspended by invisibles ropes she hangs from an enormous helium balloon at a height of 5 to 10 metres. The balloon is controlled by 3 crew members from the ground and is lit from within.
- White Flags can be added in the big parade.